Current Space Weather

NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory

SDO-NASA and the [AIA, EVE, and/or HMI] consortium.   Space Weather's Impacts

Current Sunspot Activity
Sunspots last 30 days
  • Sunspots are solar magnetic storms. The spots appear darker because the temperature of the spots are lower than the surrounding photosphere.
  • They serve as a reservoir for solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which cause Aurorae, power/communication outages, and satellite anomalies.
  • The Sun's activity waxes and wanes in an 11-year sunspot cycle; Solar Minimum is when the number of sunspots are lowest.
  • There seems to be a correlation between Solar Min/Maximum and Earth's weather. The extent to which Ozone, stratospheric winds, global circulation patterns, and cloud seeding are all affected are still being studied.

Sunspot graph courtesy: Newquay Weather

Space Weather Dashboard

Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Magnetosphere Graphic

This Image Illustrates Solar Wind pressure on Earth's Magnetosphere.
Current Solar Wind Prediction


IMF Dials courtesy: MMS at Rice

These plots show real time Aurora Forecasts.

Radio Propogation

Radio Map
IPS Space Weather

Solar Activity Monitor

The monitor in the page heading provides a textual status of X-ray activity and refers to the X-Ray Flux graph at the top of the page.
NORMAL Solar X-ray flux is quiet (<1.00e-6 W/m^2).
ACTIVE Solar X-ray flux is active (>= 1.00e-6 W/m^2).
M CLASS FLARE An M Class Solar Flare has occurred (>= 1.00e-5 W/m^2).
X CLASS FLARE An X Class Solar Flare has occurred (>= 1.00e-4 W/m^2).
MEGA FLARE An unprecedented X-ray event has occurred (>= 1.00e-3 W/m^2).

Script courtesy of: Lee, formerly hosting MadALwx.
Graph base code courtesy of: jpGraph.